Integrated Management System

Certification of the integrated management system quality – environment – health and safety at work took place for the first time in September 2007, with recertifications every three years.

Certification of the energy management system was implemented in Conpet, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001:2011, in September 2016.

The Director General of CONPET S.A. has established policies relating to quality, environment, health and safety at work and energy, taking into account the following elements:

  • The strategic directions of the organisation;
  • Requirements of reference standards, legal requirements and other requirements
  • Analysis of the context of the organization and the requirements of relevant stakeholders

The policy on quality, environment, occupational health and safety is oriented towards customer satisfaction and other relevant stakeholders, compliance with legal requirements applicable to the organization and ensuring for all staff a healthy working environment in secure conditions.

The Energy policy is oriented towards the continuous improvement of the energy performance of the organization and the compliance with the legal requirements regarding the energy efficiency.

Following the external recertification audit carried out by BUREAU VERITAS body, in September 2022 were issued the certificates for the management systems quality, environment, health and safety at work and energy.

Starting 2010, the Railway Safety Management System has also been implemented, in accordance with the national legal requirements on railway safety and the European Reference Directives. The scope of this system includes the RAILWAY ramps in which CONPET S.A. performs railway shunting maneuvers.

By the Railway Safety Policy, CONPET SA is committed to work towards common safety objectives to comply with the requirements set out in the national and European Union regulations. For the Railway ramps, the Romanian Railway Authority (AFER) granted the company the License for the performance of railway transport services (railway shunting).

For the Railway ramps in which CONPET S.A. performs only railway maneuvering in its own interest/for third parties/on an industrial railway line that is not the property of the company, ASFR issued the Unique Safety Certificate no. OMF 2024007, according to OMTIC no. 743/2020.

In July 2022, following the external audit carried out by the certification body SRAC CERT, the following certificates have been issued:

Certifying the compliance of the anti-bribery management system implemented in CONPET SA in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 37001:2016 standard.

By the Anti-Bribery Policy, the management of CONPET S.A. undertakes not to tolerate any act of corruption, to comply with the anti-bribery legislation applicable to the organization and to encourage the reporting, by any employee or relevant third party, of acts or attempts of bribery, without fear of reprisals.